The man’s figure was not in any way arresting. He was slight, with knotted arms
and shoulders of one who has done hard labor from childhood. He was not regal or
commanding. He dressed simply in a plain white tallith that reached to his feet. His
white head covering, drawn closely over his forehead and hanging to his shoulders, hid
his profile. Yet when he turned and stood before the congregation, Daniel was startled.
All at once nothing in the room was distinct to him but this man’s face. A thin face,
strongly cut. A vital, radiant face, lighted from within by a burning intensity of spirit.
(Chapter 4, page 47)
3. Write 2 more pages in your handwriting books. You should be up to page 38. Some of you are still trying to catch up. Maybe just do 2 pages a day until you are all caught up. I love the improvement that I'm seeing! Keep it up!
4. Essays
Go to this link if you need a refresher on how to write an essay.
Writing Essays
This week we will do picture inspiration narrative essays. Things you know:
- How to write a narrative. You learned this a few months ago. A narrative is a story.
- How to be inspired by a picture. You did this a few weeks ago. Use some figurative language.
- How to write an essay. You did this last week.
Now I want you to combine all that knowledge.
Find a picture that inspires you. Write a 5 paragraph narrative essay about that picture. It should be about 500 words, and no more than 1 page. The picture can be on a separate page. Remember essays are short and to the point.
5. Spelling Words
tallith - a fringed shawl traditionally worn by Jewish men at prayer.
shoulders - the upper joint of the human arm and the part of the body between this and the neck.
knotted - fastened with or having a knot or knots.
commanding - (in military contexts) having a position of authority.
congregation - a group of people assembled for religious worship.
startled - feeling or showing sudden shock or alarm.
distinct - recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type.
intensity - of extreme force, degree, or strength.
impudent - not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.
advantage - a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.
concentrating - focus one's attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity.
chronicles - a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.
acquired - buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.
magician - a person with magical powers.
regal - of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified.
patience - the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
beggar - a person, typically a homeless one, who lives by asking for money or food.
consciousness - the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.
glimpsed - saw or perceived briefly or partially.
woman/women - a grown girl. Woman is singular; women is plural.
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