Friday, March 19, 2021

Writing (History Week)


1. Read Chapters 1-5 in "The Bronze Bow."
2. Write this paragraph from the book.  Use your best handwriting.

A boy stood on the path of the mountain overlooking the sea. He was a tall boy,
with little trace of youth in his lean, hard body. At eighteen Daniel bar Jamin was unmistakably a Galilean, with the bold features of his countrymen, the sun-browned
skin, and the brilliant dark eyes that could light with fierce patriotism and blacken with swift anger. A proud race, the Galileans, violent and restless, unreconciled that Palestine was a conquered nation, refusing to acknowledge as their lord the Emperor Tiberius in far-off Rome.

(Chapter 1, page 1) 

3. Write 2 more pages in your handwriting books.

4. Essay Writing.  This is probably one of the most important types of writing you will ever learn.  Most essays are short and concise.  The papers you have done up to this point have been more involved.  The purpose of an essay is to get your point across quickly and efficiently

In the next few weeks we will be doing different types of short essays.  

Writing Prompts (Descriptive Essays)

Picture Inspiration (Narrative Essays)

Letter Writing (Informative and Expository Essays)

Letter Writing(Persuasive and Argumentative Essays)

We are going to start with writing prompts.  Often times when you are applying for a new job, or for college, you will be asked to write an essay on a certain topic.

The essay writing process consists of three main stages:

  1. Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline.
  2. WritingSet out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion.
  3. Revision: Check the content, organization, grammar, spelling, and formatting of your essay.
Go to this google slides page to see a step by step process and some great examples.

In the end your essay should be 5 short paragraphs-- Introduction, 3 main paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph.  It should not be more than 500 words or 1 page.  Print your essay and bring it to class.  Be prepared to share.

Choose ONE of these writing prompts to write about. 

  • Describe your most enjoyable concert experience of all time.  What was the band, who did you go with, and why has it stuck with you as being so fantastic?  Go into detail and feel free to make use of any lyrics.
  • Make a list of trendy shoe styles, Choose three from the list, describe each one, and explain why they’re so popular.
  • Think of a character from literature you might like to trade places with. Describe this character and explain why you’d want to make the switch.
  • Are you shy, silly, or sensitive? Quiet or quirky? Gentle, generous, or gregarious? There are hundreds of words we can use to describe our character attributes or personality. Choose three adjectives that describe you perfectly. Write an essay giving examples of how each word accurately fits your personality.
  • Describe the most beautiful scene in nature that you can imagine.
  • Describe a storm. This could be a thunder storm, a snow storm, a hurricane, a tornado, a hail storm, a rain storm, or any type of storm.
  • Describe your bedroom the way you want it is, and then describe the way you want it to be, if it should be different.
  • Describe your best friend so that the reader can picture him or her.
  • Think of your favorite place. What do you like about this place? What do you do there? How does it look, smell, and feel? Now write an essay describing your favorite place so that your reader will be able to picture it.
  • Some people prefer dogs as pets, some like cats, and others prefer birds, snakes, fish, rabbits, pigs, horses, and other animals. What is your perfect pet? What does it look like? Is it soft or hard? Does it make any sounds? Now describe your idea of a perfect pet so that your reader can picture it.
  • Each season of the year is beautiful in some way. Think of which season is your favorite: winter, summer, spring or fall. Think of what your town looks like during that season. What does it feel like? Is there a smell or taste to it? Now write an essay describing an outdoor scene during your favorite season of the year.
  • Flowers always make a yard or a room look very pretty. Think of a garden or a bunch of flowers you have seen. Make it even better and prettier in your mind. What does it look and feel like? Does it smell? Describe the garden or a bunch of flowers so that your reader can see it and smell it in his or her mind.
  • We all eat to stay alive, but everyone has a favorite food. What is your favorite food in the world? What does it look like? How does it smell and taste in your mouth? Describe your favorite food so that your reader can see it and almost taste it as well.
  • Everyone has a favorite game, dominoes, checkers, cards, Clue, Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, and so on. What is your favorite game? What does it look like when you play? What sounds do you hear as you play? Describe your favorite game so that the reader can see it and hear the action as you play.
5. Spelling Words

unreconciled - not reconciled. (reconciled)- restore friendly relations between.
acknowledge - accept or admit the existence or truth of.
patriotism - the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.
conquered - (of a place or people) having been overcome and taken control of by military force.
foolhardy - recklessly bold or rash.
brilliant - exceptionally clever or talented.
fierce - showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity.
against - in opposition to.
recognized - identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again.
complexions - the natural color, texture, and appearance of a person's skin, especially of the face.
remembrance - the action of remembering something.
reputation - the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
conscience - feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
knuckles - a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, where the finger joins the hand.
oppressor - a person or group that oppresses people.
auxiliaries - a person or thing providing supplementary or additional help and support.
transparent -  allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen.
clamoring - (of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.
embroidered - (of cloth) decorated with patterns sewn on with thread.
annoyance - the feeling or state of being annoyed; irritation.
all ready/already - The phrase all ready means “entirely ready” or “prepared” ( I was all ready to leave on vacation ). Already means “previously” ( The plane had already left the airport ) or “so soon” ( Is it lunchtime already? ).

all ready/already

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Writing (Imaginative Arts Week)

 Writing 1. Finish reading "The Bronze Bow." 2. Write this passage from the book.      A quick guttur...