Thursday, December 10, 2020

Writing (Leadership Week-January 7)

1. Hopefully you have finished the book and are working ahead, but if not...
Read through page 235 or to Jack 6.

2. Research papers.  You should have an opening statement, a thesis statement, and 2-3 main ideas that support your thesis.  Each main idea should be 2-3 paragraphs each.  You should also have a page that lists all of your sources.  If you have questions, please look at the previous posts about doing research.

3. Sister Monsivais has a super special, super awesome gratitude program that she would like to share with us.  She will be taking a few minutes to explain it in class.  Until then, please read this gratitude statement out loud every day.  Not in your head, but out loud.  We will be putting together some gratitude journals and taking this awesome journey together.  We are so excited about it, and I hope you can get excited as well.  There will be vanguard bucks for each day that you read the statement out loud.

4. Write in your nicest handwriting this paragraph from the book on page 190.

"Just like earth," she says, slowly turning around in the center of the circle, "other planets go around the sun in fixed orbits.  That means we can see them easily, in a band in the sky called the zodiac. Jupiter and Saturn will be out tonight, and anyone who wants to go to the Star Garden afterward can check them out.
They might look tiny through a telescope, but Jupiter would fill the distance between the earth and the moon.  And Saturn is actually fluffy, like cotton candy.  If there was a bathtub big enough, it would float!"

Notice all the quotation marks, the capital letters on proper nouns, and all the other punctuation.  Make sure you copy it all out as it is written.

5. Spelling Words!

expressionless - (of a person's face or voice) not conveying any emotion; unemotional.
imperceptibly - in a way that is so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived.
opportunities - a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
sketchbook - a book of drawings or literary sketches
tournament - a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize.
familiar - well known from long or close association.
supplementing - add an extra element or amount to.
imaginary - existing only in the imagination.
meteorite - a meteor that survives its passage through the earth's atmosphere and part of it strikes the ground.
potentially - with the capacity to develop or happen in the future.
then/than -  then: at that time; at the time in question./ than: used to introduce the second element in a comparison.
buy/bye/by - buy: obtain in exchange for payment. / bye: exclamation short for goodbye. / by: a preposition 
glamorous - having glamour or elegance
instantly - at once; immediately.
obvious - easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.
rumpled - give a creased, ruffled, or disheveled appearance to
volunteered - freely offer to do something.
identifying - establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.
curtsying - a woman's or girl's formal greeting made by bending the knees with one foot in front of the other.
necessarily - as a necessary result; inevitably.

expressionless imperceptibly 

opportunities  sketchbook 

tournament  familiar 

supplementing  imaginary 

meteorite  potentially 

then/than buy/bye/by

glamorous  instantly 

obvious  rumpled 

volunteered  identifying 

curtsying  necessarily 

Happy Spelling!

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Writing (Imaginative Arts Week)

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